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发布者:数学科学学院 发布时间:2020-07-10 浏览次数:

报告人:刘茂省 教授

报告时间:2020年7月10日 19:00-20:00

报告方式:腾讯会议 ID:819 288 989 密码:102020


刘茂省,教授,博士生导师,山西省高校优秀青年学术带头人,山西省“1331工程”科技创新团队负责人,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。负责主持国家自然科学基金2项,山西省自然科学基金1项,省留学基金2项,参加国家自然科学基金4项,其中重点项目1项,省级自然科学基金4项,发表高水平学术论文40余篇,出版专著2部。2007年获得山西省教学成果一等奖1项,2008年主讲的《常微分方程》被评为山西省精品课程,2010年获得山西省科学技术奖自然科学类一等奖1项, 2018年负责的“传染病动力学与大数据团队”获得山西省“1331工程”重点创新团队。

Seasonal forcing and contact patterns are two key features of many disease dynamics that generate periodic patterns. In this talk, we develop and analyze a non-autonomous degree-based mean field network model within an SIS framework. We assume that the disease transmission rate being periodic to study synergistic impacts of the periodic transmission and the heterogeneity of the contact network on the infection threshold and dynamics for seasonal diseases. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically. Our results show that heterogeneity in the contact networks plays an important role in accelerating disease spreading and increasing the amplitude of the periodic steady state solution. These results confirm the need to address factors that create periodic patterns and contact patterns in seasonal disease when making policies to control an outbreak.